Useful VST PlugIns
Useful VST PlugIns (freeware)
We all are using hosts - like Cubase, Logic etc. - most time with their own (VST)-effects. Nevertheless there are some freeware VST PlugIns which are very useful. There is no comperable effect in the host-program for it or they are simply unique.
a) I only can offer the link to the downloads. But the advantage is, that you always will have the newest version.
b) most of my "favorites" are not available for the MAC-side. Sorry.
Clicking on the pictures will enlarge them!
Beat Kaufmann
Classic Chorus is a great sounding and easy to use classical Chorus VST plugin. Nice Plugin for adding Depth, Fatness and Stereo perspective to almost any Electrical Instruments or Vocal.
The Classic Master Limiter VST plugin is specially designed to boost the overall level of your final mixes, but is also highly useable on very dynamic instruments. Just turn the Threshold down and hear how your mixes gets louder and louder. Very high compression ratios can be obtained without changing the balance of the mix.
The Classic Master Limiter "made" a very good result in my Limitertest
Digitalfishphone's "DOMINON"
If you were searching for a tool to shape the envelope of a signal, giving you total control of the signal's attack & sustain phase, dominion is certainly something for you! So that's a nice tool to give drums and percussion more kick!
Platinumear's "IQ4"
It can compress or expand specific frequencies in a similar manner to multi-band compression (but with a very different character) or it can de-ess, or perform more esoteric functions such as ducking one frequency when another is prominent. You may find it easier to imagine the process as an automatic EQ, which can be used to cut a certain frequency only when it becomes a problem, or apply a boost only when that region isn't already loud enough.
Quite a phantastic VST effect - after taking time to study the manual...
Wwaym's "NWEQ"
- 5 parametric bands (low shelf, band 1-2-3, high shelf)
- high quality filters (10 Hz - 22 KHz)
- 2 cross fadeable filter models for band 1-2-3
- templates for most common EQ applications
- A/B switch
Kelly Industry's "STEREO TOOLS"
The Stereo Tools VST Plug-in is a simple to use utility plug-in that allows you to pan or position both the left and right channels independently of one another. This is a 2 input and 2 output plug-in. It works well for stereo files that you don't want to have to convert to mono or if you want to fix a problem with the stereo file. It is an easy-to-use VST-helper...
"FX BassLane"
It's a simple, yet very handy little utility to control the stereo field of lower frequencies in your audio material.
What is this useful for?
Regain tightness in the bottom of your mix by keeping kick drums and bass (double basse) lines centered in the stereo field. So you are able to distribute the energy of the lowest frequncies equally to the left and the right stereo channels.
Knufinke's "Convolution Reverb SIR"
This is a reverb device that works with "impulse-responses". Impulse-responses are generated by recording short broadband signals and their corresponding room-reflections. What you get contains the information needed to reproduce the same room with other signals.
Impulses you get at:
Noisevault and
Echo Chamber Studio
Voxengo's "SPAN"
SPAN is a real-time FFT spectrum analyzer plug-in.
- Metering mode switch
- Bandpass sweeping
- dB range selection
- Peak hold
- Channel statistics (RMS, Peak RMS and Clip counter)
- L+R channel display mode
- Bar graph display modes etc.
Proxl's "VST Notes"
VstNotes is a free VST notepad plugin with unlimited number of lines, several fonts and fontsizes etc.
This plugin is a really helper and allows you to:
- Take notes and comments with your sequencer tracks
- Use multiple instances of the notepad
- Change to Several background colours, by double-clicking the background
- Use multiple fonts, colours and sizes
- Save text as a default template
- Save comments automatically with your project
to be continued...
Here you have a link to GERSIC.COM. There you'll find a list of nearly all available free VSTs - even if you are a MAC-user... A big collection with text and pictures - gathered for you!
© Copyright by Beat Kaufmann, 2004 - 2007