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Current Equipment

My Studio

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Sample Libraries

Symphonic Cube (VSL)
Boesendorfer Imperial (VSL)
Konzert Haus Organ (VSL)
Appassionata Strings (VSL)
Baroque Organ (PMI)
Peter Ewers Organ (Nemesys)
The Grand2 (Steinberg)
Harpsichords Vol1 (Gigga)
Superior Drums (dfh)
Hypersonic2 (Steinberg)
NB-3 Organ (Steinberg)
Xample Libraries
Library of HAlion3

Hosts / Audioeditors

Cubase 4 (Steinberg)
Samplitude Classic (Magix)
Logic 5.5 for Windows

Main PlugIns

Built in PlugIns of Cubase 4 (Steinberg)
Built in PlugIns of WaveLab 6 (Steinberg)
Denoiser Samplitude (Magix)
Ozone3 for Mastering (iZotope)
Neon EQ (PSP)
Voice Compressor (Voxengo)
Limiter (Voxengo)
Pristine Sapce (Voxengo)
Altiverb (Audioease)
Gigapulse (Tascam)

Vienna, Silent Stage...

Michael Hula is
recording the solo violin...
Herb, Michael and my wife
on Silent Stage at VSL
Beat on his visit on Silent Stage
in April 2005.
(Photo by Sabine > thanks!)

TOP > Studio 07
© Copyright by Beat Kaufmann, 2004 - 2007