About me
As a music producer, I can offer you years of experience...
...in audio mixing/mastering
For over 10 years I was a demo producer for the company "Vienna Symphonic Library".
The skills in mixing and mastering samples collected over many years will also benefit you when mixing your "real" recording!
- Listen here / - See here / - See the videos / - See at VSL / - Tutorial "Music with Samples"
...as a musician
I play the violin, the viola, electric bass, the soprano, alto & tenor saxophones. During 12 years I played in a string quartet. I played for 4 years the E-bass in a big band. I took classical (solo) singing lessons for over 5 years. ...
- Sopran-Sax (Kaufmann + Synthesizer)
- Alto Sax (Kaufmann + Samples --> G.F. Händel)
- Singing (Excerpts Kaufmann + Samples of VSL / Synthesizers)
...as a composer & an arranger
I am also active as a composer and arranger, wrote many arrangements and playbacks for various ensembles.
- Flight in the Clouds (comp)
- Film_opener 1 (comp)
- Signet 2 (comp)
- Signet 3 (comp)
- Sample Marsch (comp)
- Bach Dm-Fuge (arr.)
- Rossini_Barbier (arr.)
...in recording sounds
Since 2004 I run my own recording studio for live-recordings (audio + video)
Tonstudio Createc
You benefit from many years of experience - also in the real world of sound recording. I actually know how it sounds in the concert hall... Benefit from this experience behind in the Tutorial Mixing an Orchestra.
- Recording examples
- Concert Videos Example 1/ Example 2 / Example 3