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Files & Downloads for the Mixing-Tutorial

  • General Info
  • Benedictus (Jenkins)
  • Sample-Rag
  • The Big Country
  • Never Ending Story
  • Jurassic Park short excerpt
  • BWV 11
  • BWV 1041
  • AIDA-Triumphal March
  • Eine kl. Nachtmusik
  • Sonata De Fesch
  • Karg Elert: Prais the Lord
  • Partita in E (Bach-Mangigalli)
  • A small Mix
  • BWV 248, Arie 8
  • Excelsus Super Omnes
  • Fujara-Flute-Demo
  • Tschaik. Piano Concert
  • Handel, Imeneo-Alphorn
  • Hungarian Dance Nr.5
  • Sousa: Washington Post
  • Pirates of the Carribean
  • G.Ph. Telemann, Recorder Concerto
  • J.S.Bach, Badiniere

Here you find some files for the tasks
in the tutorial
"Mixing an Orchestra"

These are zip-files that contain more or fewer audio files that you can use to create the specified orchestral mixes. I am happy to make the files available to all to practice. The tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra" uses these files in a variety of exercises (compression, panning, EQ tasks, mixing whole instrument sections, etc.).

Attention: The files are for personal use only. No money may be made with it.

If you have problems on a MAC with unzipping the files try with

Hier finden Sie Dateien zu Aufgabenstellungen
im Tutorial
"Mixing an Orchestra"

Es sind Zip-Dateien, die mehr oder weniger Audiofiles enthalten, mit denen man die angegebenen Orchester-Mischungen herstellen kann. Gerne stelle ich die Files allen zur Verfügung, um damit zu üben. Das Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra" verwendet diese Dateien in verschiedensten Übungen (Compression, Panning, EQ-Aufgaben, Mischen von ganzen Abschnitten etc.).

Achtung: Die Files sind nur für den persönlichen Gebrauch. Es darf kein Geld gemacht werden damit.

Die Files lassen sich nicht unzippen auf einem MAC? Versuchen Sie


13 Audio-files for "Benedictus"

13 Files, 24Bit, 44,1kHz, *.wav (Composer: Carl Jenkins)
played by Beat Kaufmann with Samples of VSL (280MB)

2 different Strings - layered to one String-Orchestra
- SYNCHRON Elite Strings
- SYNCHRON Strings Pro
- Choir
- Solo Cello

The exercise in the tutorial "Mixing an orchestra" is about achieving a plastic mix (with algorithmic reverb only) - according to the situation on the plan.
I explain each effect used in the solution to my mix.

Dry - without any mix

A possible Mix


22 Audio-files Symphonic-(Sample) Rag / 18 Audiodateien Symphonic-(Sample) Rag
24Bit, 44,1kHz, *.wav (Composer: B. Kaufmann) (ca. 220 MB)

I tried to recrete this virtual stage acoustically ...
...and this is how it sounds after mixing and mastering...
(How does your own stage sound?)

Mein Versuch, die Orchsteraufstellung der virtuellen Bühne
akustisch zu erreichen... das ist ein mögliches Resultat...
(Wie tönt es mit Ihrer Bühne?)


26 Audio-files The Big Country / 26 Audiodateien The Big Country
24Bit, 44,1kHz, *.wav (Composer: Jerome Moross, 1958) (ca. 800MB)

It won't be enough to just mix the individual channels cleanly, you will probably need to dynamically change the individual groups among themselves.

Es wird nicht genügen, nur die einzelenen Kanäle sauber abzumischen, Sie werden vermutlich die einzelnen Gruppen unter sich dynamisch verändern müssen.

All 26 Audio Files without any effect...

Attention: The files are for personal use only. No money may be made with it.
Achtung: Die Files sind nur für den persönlichen Gebrauch. Es darf kein Geld gemacht werden damit.


18 Audio-files The never ending story
18 Audiodateien
Die unendliche Geschichte
32Bit, 44,1kHz, *.wav (Composer: Klaus Doldinger) (580MB)

And this is how it sounds after mixing and mastering so that it sounds similar to the original.
Please keep in mind that I did not have any original music notes.

Attention: The files are for personal use only. No money may be made with it.
Achtung: Die Files sind nur für den persönlichen Gebrauch. Es darf kein Geld gemacht werden damit.


Arranger with the 17 Audi-Files

17 Audio-files for Jurassic-Park-Excerpt / 17 Audiodateien für Jurassic-Park-Beispiel
24Bit, 44,1kHz, *.wav (Composer: John Williams)
(The zip-File includes an image of my mixer-layout)
(Das zip-File enthält ein Mixerbild meines Prokts)

All 17 Audio Files without any effect...

My Mix with the Audio-Files

The Original Soundtrack

Attention: The files are for personal use only. No money may be made with it.
Achtung: Die Files sind nur für den persönlichen Gebrauch. Es darf kein Geld gemacht werden damit.


You get these tracks.

23 Audio-files for BWV 11 / 23 Audiodateien für BWV 11
24Bit, 44,1kHz, *.wav (Joh.Seb. Bach) (380MB) (290MB)

J.S.Bach, Cantata BWV 11, Final Chorus - a possible mix...

Virtual Stage for this mix... ... and the belonging mixer

A possible mix...


8 Audio-files for BWV 1041 / 8 Audiodateien für BWV 1041
24Bit, 44,1kHz, *.wav (Composer: Joh.Seb. Bach) (260MB) ...ready for a nice Mix.

This is an excerpt of a famous Bach Violin Concertos.
You get the first 2 minutes:

1st Violins
2nd Violins
Small Organ

In the Mixing Tutorial I explain my mix in detail - as well as the mastering process.

This is my mix and after the mastering process...

This was the "real recorded REFERENCE"


32 Audio-files for AIDA Triumphal March /
24Bit, 44,1kHz, *.wav (Composer: G. Verdi) (530MB)

G. VERDI, AIDA, Triumphal March - a possible mix...

Virtual Stage for this mix... ... and the belonging mixer

All 32 audio files without any mixing activity. / Alle 32 Audiodateien ohne irgendeine Mixing-Tätigkeit.

A first provisional mix (excerpts)... / ein erster provisorischer Mix (Ausschnitte)...


2 x 5 Audio-files for "Eine kleine Nachtmusik" (Mozart)
24Bit, 44,1kHz, *.wav (Composer: W. A. Mozart)
Eine kleine (530MB)

sViol 1
sViol 2

Chamber Viol1
Chamber Viol2
Chanber Viola
Chamber Cello
Chamber Double Bass

All 10 audio files without any mixing activity.
Alle 10 Audiodateien ohne irgendeine Mixing-Tätigkeit.

A first possible mix... / ein erster möglicher Mix ...


4 Audio-files for "Sonata" (Willem De Fesch)
24Bit, 44,1kHz, *.wav (Composer: Willem De Fesch) (ca. 100MB)

- Blockflöte
- Organ High
- Organ Low
- Cello

A first possible mix... / ein erster möglicher Mix ... (Reverbs wit BREEZE 2)
First I played the Cello - the organ finaly the Recorder

See here as well / Sehen Sie auch hier:
Creating Depths with BREEZE2

E) It's a demo that wants to encourage you to find the right "depths" for yourself ...
D) Es ist eine Demo, die anregen will, selber die persönlich richtigen "Depths" zu finden...


23 Audio-files for "Praise the Lord"
24Bit, 44,1kHz, *.wav (Composer: Karg Elert / Arr. for Orchestra: B. Kaufmann) (410MB)

See the project image on the right.
Sehen Sie das Bild auf der rechten Seite.

That's how all the 23 files sound without any mixing activity.
So tönen alle 23 Tracks ohne irgendeine ungemixt.

A first possible mix...
Ein erster möglicher Mix...

-- I used this Reverb-Concept 2023 ... / Ich benutzte dieses Hallkonzept --


20 Audio-files for "Partita in E"
24Bit, 44,1kHz, *.wav (Composer: J.S. Bach / Arr. for Orchestra: P. Mangiagalli)
E-Partita_4_Libraries_for (780MB)
Partita_in_E_R-P-Mangiagalli_(Partitur) [261 KB]

Orchestra Setup

4 different Strings - layered to one String-Orchestra
- Solo Strings
- Chamber Strings
- Orchestra Strings
- Synchron Pro Strings

D) Ich empfehle dieses Mixerschema. Die einzelnen Trackspuren sind für die Balance innerhalb der einzelnen Library. Die Busspuren sind für die Balance zwischen den Libraries.
E) I recommend this mixer scheme. The individual track lanes are for the balance within the individual library. The bus tracks are for the balance between the libraries.

a possible sound of all the layered libraries...

Here you have the possibility to listen to the sound of the Elite Strings without any effect (unprocessed).
The panning is already done.


2 Audio-files for "A Small Mix"
24Bit, 44,1kHz, *.wav (Composer: J.S. Bach / Arr. for Choir and Cello Excerpt)
(both 18 MB)

That's how the result could sound...
So könnte das Resultat klingen...


10 Audio-files for "Weihnachtsoratorium, Aria 8, Bass" - as a accompaniment
(Grosser Herr und König)

10 Files, 24Bit, 44,1kHz, *.wav (Composer: J.S. Bach)
played be Beat Kaufmann with Samples of VSL (600MB)

Orchestra Setup

2 different Strings - layered to one String-Orchestra
- Elite Strings
- Solo Strings
- Piccolo Trumpet

The idea is that during singing the balance is adjusted a bit more in favor of the Solo Strings and during orchestral playing the balance is adjusted more in favor of the Elite Strings.

Without Soloist, Dry

Without Soloist

With Soloist (just for getting an idea)

13 Audio-files for "Excelsus Super Omnes, G.F. Handel"

13 Files, 24Bit, 44,1kHz, *.wav
played be Beat Kaufmann with Samples of VSL (250MB)

- 5x Elite Strings
- 2x Solo Strings
- Oboe 1, Oboe 2, Bassoon2 (Synchron Woodw.)
- Harpschord (Vienna Instrument)

The instruments are positioned according to the stage plan (right) except for the harpsichord. So bring out the instruments a little better and install another reverb.
Here you have the "Link to the Making of..." Video

A possible mix (just for getting an idea)

17 Audio-files for "Fujara-Flute-Demo" (Guggisberglied)
(Trad. Swiss Folk-Song))

17 Files, 24Bit, 44,1kHz, *.wav
played be Beat Kaufmann with Samples of VSL (ca. 320MB)

- 3x Synchro Strings Pro (Viol1, Viol2, Bassi)
- 2x Harp (VI)
- 2 Rieger Organ
- 1 Piccolo / - 1 Choir
- 1 Fujara-Flute
- 1 Marimba (VI) / - 1 Xylophone (VI)
- 1 Piano / - 1 Drums / - 1 E-Bass
- 1 Shaker / - 1 Tenorsax

Most of the instruments are positioned according to the stage plan (right) except for some instruments.

A possible mix (just for getting an idea)

14 Audio-files for "Tschaikowsky Piano-Concerto"

14 Files, 24Bit, 44,1kHz, *.wav
played be Beat Kaufmann with Samples of VSL (ca. 120MB)

5x Srings
1x Flutes
1x Oboes

1x Clarinets
1x Bassoons
1x Trpts
1x Horns

1x Trbs
1x Timp
1x Piano

These AudioFiles are out of the Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra". The files are for an exercise related to "Parallel Compression". The idea is to bring out the piano well during the quiet parts.
It's hard to do this mix without automating it. This means that static mix settings will (probably) not lead to a good solution. Try it out...

My solution you will find in the tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra" (V 1.75 and higher)

A possible mix (just for getting an idea)


12 Audio-files for "Alphorn meets Handel"
24Bit, 44,1kHz, *.wav (Composer: G.F. Handel HWV41 / Arr. for Alphorn & Horn) (ca. 320 MB)

That's how the result sounds without any mixing... (Positions done within SYNCHRON-Player)
So klingt das Ergebnis ohne jegliche Abmischung... (Positionen im SYNCHRON-Player)

I explain the mix of my example in the tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra" (from V 1.78).
In this tutorial, I discuss the special effects for the individual instruments and busses.

Den Mix meines Beispieles erkläre ich im Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra" (ab V 1.78).
Dabei gehe ich auf Effekt-Besonderheiten bei den einzelnen Instrumenten und Bussen ein.

Among other things, parallel compression is used here and much more. Practical application examples can also be very helpful, especially if you can recreate the mix yourself!
Unter anderem kommt hier die Parallel-Kompression zum Einsatz und Vieles mehr. Praktische Anwedungsbeispiele können auch sehr hilfreich sein, besonders, wenn man den Mix selber nachbauen kann!


27 Audio-files for "Hungarian Dance Nr.5, Allegro"

27 Files, 24Bit, 44,1kHz, *.wav (Composer: J. Brahms, Arr. B. Kaufmann)
Positions on the stage are mostly done...
played by Beat Kaufmann with Samples of VSL, Toontrack and Best Service
Hungarian Dance (ca. 700MB)

The meaning is, to organize the instruments in for 4 different Sum-Channels.

The exercise in the tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra" is about achieving a plastic mix, using the reverb concept shown in the video.
Also: I explain each effect used in the solution to my mix in the mentioned tutorial above.

A possible Mix (my Mix)


4 Audio-files for "Sousa, Washington Post"

4 Files, 32Bit, 44,1kHz, *.wav (Composer: J. Ph. Sousa, Arr. B. Kaufmann)
(Stems: Strings, Woodwinds, Brass, Percussion)
played by Beat Kaufmann with Samples of VSL (ca. 120MB)

Exercise / Übung

E) The opinion is that you find the right balance by audio mix between each of the 4 groups (easy). An even more interesting task: Build an arrangement for yourself. Not all groups have to play all the time.

D) Die Meinung ist, dass Sie die richtige Balance per Audio-Mix zwischen den einzelnen 4 Gruppen finden. Eine etwas interessantere Aufgabe: Bauen Sie sich ein Arrangement zusammen. Es müssen ja nicht immer alle Gruppen spielen.

John Philip Sousa (1854-1932)

Strings-File (Duality Strings)

Woodwinds-File (Synchron-Library)

Brass-File (Synchron-Library)

Percussion-File (Prime Edition)

a possible mix...

Used Libraries...

E) For all libraries, the "DEFAULT" preset was used (without additional effects). By means of microphone ratios and the balance in the Synchron Player, the placements on the stage were achieved. So the further back instruments sound, the more influence the "room microphone signal" has. For the soundfiles, some reverb tails were added over the respective groups at the end (about 10% wet) and a few mastering effects.

D) Bei allen Libraries wurde das Preset "DEFAULT" verwendet (ohne zusätzliche Effekte). Mittels Mikrofon-Verhältnissen und der Balance im Synchron Player wurden die Platzierungen auf der Bühne erreicht. Je weiter hinten Instrumente also erklingen, desto mehr Einfluss hat das "Room-Mikrofonsignal". Für die Soundfiles wurden zum Schluss über den jeweiligen Gruppen etwas Reverb-Tails hinzugefügt (ca. 10% wet) und ein paar Masteringeffekte.
More about... Duality-Strings-Demo-Video

Synchron Brass
Synchron Woodwinds
Synchron Percussion
(Prime-Edition, VSL)
Duality Strings


22 Audio-files for "Pirates of the Carribean"

22 Files, 32Bit, 44,1kHz, *.wav (Composer: H.Zimmer / K. Badelt)
Strings-, Brass-, Percussion- Files, Choir-File
played by Beat Kaufmann with Samples of VSL (ca. 420 MB)

Exercise / Übung

E) All instruments are already positioned by me with the help of the SYNCHRON-Player_Mixer (also in the room depth). Try to achieve a powerful mix with the files, in which not all instruments are always equally important. Therefore peel out the carrying melodies.

D) Alle Instrumente sind bereits durch mich mit Hilfe des SYNCHRON-Player_Mixers positioniert (auch in der Raumtiefe). Versuchen Sie mit den Files einen druckvolle Mischung hinzukriegen, bei der nicht immer alle Instrumente gleich wichtig sind. Schälen Sie deshalb die tragenden Melodien heraus.

Brass-Files (pur SYNCHRON-Sound)

a possible Mix...

E) There is more to learn about the piece here.... Pirates of the Carribean
If you want to hear how VSL samples sound without any effect (default) - i.e. directly out of the SYNCHRON player - you can use these files to judge the sound neutrally. However, it is a specific mix between the different microphones, so that the respective room depths result.

D) Hier gibt es mehr über das Stück zu erfahren... Pirates of the Carribean
Wenn Sie hören wollen, wie VSL-Samples ohne jeden Effekt (DEFAULT) - also direkt aus dem SYNCHRON-Player - klingen, können Sie diese Dateien zur neutralen Beurteilung des Klangs verwenden. Allerdings handelt es sich jeweils um eine spezifische Mischung zwischen den verschiedenen Mikrofonen, so dass sich die jeweiligen Raumtiefen ergeben.


12 Audio-files for "Recorder Concerto TW52"

12 Files, 32Bit, 44,1kHz, *.wav (Composer: G.Ph. Telemann )
Strings-, Harpsichord- Recorder- Files, Choir-File
played by Beat Kaufmann with Samples of VSL
Recorder-Concerto_Telemann (Zip-File, ca. 370 MB)

Exercise / Übung

click and you will see the video (youtube)

E) All main instruments are already positioned by me with the help of the SYNCHRON-Player_Mixer (also in the room depth). The solo strings should still be sensitively mixed in position and level. The harpsichord should also be added. It is from a Vienna Player Library and therefore needs to be pushed into the room depth by you. With a reverb tail on top of everything, you can try to make the whole thing fit into a suitable room (little church?) and thus make the mix sound like a whole. The demo belongs to the video >>>hier.

D) Alle Haupt-Instrumente sind bereits durch mich mit Hilfe des SYNCHRON-Player_Mixers positioniert (auch in der Raumtiefe). Die Solo-Strings sollten noch gefühlvoll in Position und Level hinzugemischt werden. Ebenso ist das Harpsichord noch hinzuzufügen. Es stammt aus der Vienna-Player-Zeit und muss daher noch extra in die Tiefe geschoben werden durch Sie. Mit einem Hall-Tail über allem, können Sie versuchen, das ganze in einen passenden Raum und damit den Mix zu einem Guss werden zu lassen. Die Demo gehört zum Video >>>hier.

a possible Mix...


14 Audio-files for "Mixing-Positioning-Training"

14 Files, 24Bit, 44,1kHz, *.wav (Composer: J.S. Bach)
Strings-, Harpsichord- and div. other Files
played by Beat Kaufmann with Samples of VSL
Bach_Badiniere (Zip-File, ca. 170 MB)

Exercise / Übung

E) Try to mix all the files so that the instruments are positioned in the concert hall as shown in the picture. This is a task in the tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra". With detailed information I show how I solved the task myself - this as a suggestion and to rebuild it yourself.

D) Versuche alle die Files so zu mischen, damit die Instrumente die Position im Konzertsaal erhalten, wie im Bild. Im Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra" ist dies eine Aufgabe. Mit detailierten Angaben zeige ich, wie ich die Aufgabe selber löste.

The unmixed sound without any effect

E) This is what the mix sounds like from the video in the tutorial, which shows all the individual steps and effects for each instrument. Enlarge the stage picture at the top right and compare the positions in the mix. The mix was created without special tools such as MIR. A normal convolution reverb, effects such as compressor, EQ etc. and an algorithmic reverb for a reverb tail over everything. This Reverb-Concept was used...

D) So klingt der Mix aus dem Video im Tutorial, das alle einzelnen Schritte und Effekte für jedes Instrument aufzeigt. Vergrössern Sie das Bühnenbild oben rechts und vergleichen Sie die Positionen im Mix. Der Mix entstand ohne Spezielwerkzeuge wie z.B. MIR. Ein normaler Convolution-Reverb, Effekte wie Compressor, EQ usw. und ein Algorithmic-Reverb für eine Hallfahne über allem. Es kam dieses Reverb-Concept zum Einsatz...

a possible mix

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