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Dear "User of Samples"
You will find free tutorials, mainly for VSL products and other helpful things about orchestral music and samples. The tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra" helps to finally achieve good mixes with orchestra samples and explains incidentally all important effects... Please also see the free "orchestra audio files" to practice "mixing an orchestra". Have fun!
Beat Kaufmann


New: HORA MARTISORULUI (Grigoras Dinicu)
A fast violin piece with the new VSL SYNCHRON solo violin
Ein schnelles Geigenstück mit der neuen SYNCHRON VSL-Solovioline

New: Video about the Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra"
about the content / how it is structured / how it presents itself as an HTML file
D) über den Inhalt / wie es strukturiert ist / wie es sich als HTML-Datei darstellt
Video (Englisch) / Video (Deutsch)

New: HORA STACCATO (Grigoras Dinicu)
A fast violin piece with the 20-year-old but still fast VSL solo violin
Ein schnelles Geigenstück mit der 20jährigen aber immer noch schnellen VSL-Solovioline
Synchron-Libraries-Audio-Demos (inkl. Video)

TUTORIAL "Mixing an Orchestra", NEW Version 1.77b, March 24
- How do I get a professional orchestra mix?
>> Click for more Information extra Website
D) - Wie erhalte ich einen Profi-Orchester-Mix?
>> Klicken Sie für Infos dazu ...eine Extra-Homepage

NEW: Duality-Strings Video: How to produce Music with samples?
NEW: Duality Strings Audio-Demo: "Schenkt man sich Rosen in Tirol"
Listen to it at >> Synchron-Libraries-Audio-Demos

New Audio-Mix-Demo
Read text and listen to examples of the soundtrack Pirates of the Caribbean.
Lesen Sie Text und hören Sie Beispiele zur Filmmusik Pirates of the Caribbean.

How do I produce a good mix?
The article is not new, but now significantly expanded (excerpt tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra")
Der Artikel ist nicht neu, aber jetzt erheblich erweitert (Auszug Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra")
Mixing Samples

Mini-Mix-Projekt: 4 Audiofiles (Stems) Strings, Woodwinds, Brass, Percussion
E) Find the right volumes between the 4 files, create an arrangement
D) Finde die richtigen Lautstärken zwischen den 4 Files, kreiere ein Arrangement
Sousa: Washington Post-March

New: 20 Years of "VSL" from a Customer's Perspective
20 Years VSL

New: Reverb Concept for Orchestra Mixes
Reverb-Concept 2023

New (Alphorn-) Audio-Demo
Alphorn meets G.F. Handel

"The Water Is Wide" (also called "O Waly, Waly" or simply "Waly, Waly") is a folk song of Scottish origin (Wikipedia). A new Synchron-Library-Demo

Tutorial "Music with Samples" V1.55, October 22
E) -
How do I produce more real music with samples?
D) - Wie produziere ich reellere Musik mit Samples?

NEW ! at >>> Synchron Prime Edition
Audio demo, incl. midi file with all commands to change articulations.
D) Audiodemo, inkl. Midifile mit allen Befehlen zum Ändern der Artikulationen.

© Copyright, Createc Beat Kaufmann, 2004 - 2024

Last Update Website: 26.09.2024

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